News Press

DIVA! Wins best docufilm at the Nastro D’Argento Italian Film Awards

Blue Note Milano celebrates its 15th anniversary with four unmissable events

Casta Diva Group enters into the TV series business

Monaco Growth Forums Winter Blckchain Edition comes to Milan for the first time

Casta Diva China is awarded a project for the production of 3 spots for Alibaba

DIVA!, co-produced by Casta Diva Pictures, is in the line for the 2018 David di Donatello

Casta Diva Group: strategic acquisition in the field of blockchain financial events

Grand Prix Relational Strategies 2017: JAZZMI Best Cultural Event

Strategic collaboration agreement with DR & Partners for international business development

Agreement for the formation of Casta Diva China Co. Ltd.

EGG Events has a new name: Casta Diva Events is born.